January 30, 2020
Design / Ideas

Corporate Rebrand

The Partners In Leadership rebrand first started through reaching out to their existing customers and listening to their feedback when asked “why they chose Partners In Leadership and what was it that kept them as clients over the years?”, and throughout many individual interviews, the same two words kept arising–Culture Experts. Partners In Leadership’s clients chose them over the competition because they believed they were the experts in changing organizational culture and for driving new results.
Armed with this new perspective, we set about to craft both a visual and content presence that supported their claim of being “culture management experts.” On the visual front, we accomplished this by leading out with a clean layout, stripping away the visual clutter, and moving to a serif font to envoke a higher education feel. Also, we hand-crafted watercolor hero images to move away from “stock photography” providing a polished look and feel. On the content side, we employed a strong content writing team to pump out informative content reinforcing “culture management expertise” in webinars, whitepapers, articles, infographics, PR and infusing the website fresh materials to continue to educate our new and existing customers. The early results are promising which shows a 35% increase in web traffic and a 15% increase in sales calls.